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5 Foods To Boost Your Belly Burning Metabolism

Strictly speaking, there’s no foods which ‘burn fat’, but you can increase your body’s metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day.


As we all know, the only real way to lose fat is through a calorie deficit, and so having the ability to burn more calories can help you on that journey. All of the below are not a quick-fix to losing weight, and won’t help you burn an easy 500 calories a day, but as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle give you the opportunity to benefit from their metabolic effects.

The Thermic Effect of Food (TEF) is a bodily function where your metabolism increases whenever you eat, digest, and store food. Protein is one of the best forms of food for this, over carbohydrates and fats.

Dr. Chih-Hao Lee, professor of genetics and complex diseases at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health says “You can manipulate your metabolism to a degree.”

“It is often a small change that may help you burn more calories. That, along with adopting a healthier diet and making sure you get enough exercise, may give people the extra push they need to lose and maintain weight.” [1]

So what foods and drinks can help to increase your sluggish metabolism?


Ice Cold Water

It sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But a lot of those who are regularly active, and especially if you’re pursuing weight-loss, there’s a good chance you won’t be drinking nearly as much water as you actually need. Water plays a vital role in the burning of calories, and being mildly dehydrated could cause your metabolism to slow down.

Dian Griesel, Ph.D., author of TurboCharged: Accelerate your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust talking about iced water, says “You’ll eat less, and your body will be a little chilled, so it will start working harder to stay warm.”

“Being properly hydrated also helps grease the wheels of your digestive system, encouraging food to be metabolized more quickly.” [2]

In one study, those people who drank 8 glasses of water burned more calories than those who drank 4 glasses [3] so make sure you’re meeting you daily quota! We like to use Hydration For Health to get a rough idea of how much water we should intake each day, and the amount of water we lose.


Green Tea

Green tea is a fantastic blend of caffeine [4] and a compound called epigallocatechin gallate, which may help you to increase your overall expenditure of calories throughout the day. A 2011 study [5] found that drinking 3 to 4 cups of green tea each day could help give your body that extra little kick-start to shift some additional calories. This could be a handy trick if you find yourself going a little over your daily calorie goal.


Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables, particularly those with a high fiber content such as Pears [6] and Raspberries [7] can help to keep your metabolism burning. This is because fiber takes a lot of energy to process and move through your digestive system, plus they’re typically low in calories too, so it’s a win-win situation for weight loss (in moderation).

“It takes a lot of energy to push fiber all the way through,” says Dian Griesel. “The more your body’s working naturally for you, the more your metabolism’s staying high.” [8]



As we said earlier, protein is one of the best food groups for increasing your metabolic rate, because of how long it takes to digest. The longer is takes to digest, the more your body needs to work, and so the more calories you burn. The average large egg contains around 7 grams of protein [9], but the yolks can also be high in cholesterol, so add just egg whites to your omelette to bulk up your meals without losing out on your protein content.

Some studies [10] have shown that those people who’s protein intake made up 29% of their daily calories had a higher metabolic rate than those who ate just 11% protein.


Chili Peppers

It’s no secret that chili peppers can help to kick-start your metabolism, and adding a handful of them to your meals can give you some useful metabolic benefits alongside their great taste.

A compound in chilis called Capsaicin can help to increase your metabolic rate and make you feel fuller after a meal. [11]

A study published in 2012 found that these compounds could help individuals burn up to 50 calories per day extra [12] when consumed, and also helped to reduce their appetite.


These foods and drinks won’t have the same effects for everybody, and to maximise any effects they may have you should include them in a healthy diet, along with exercises which will increase your muscle mass (which will also help burn more calories).

The main thing to remember is that, whilst there are studies supporting these foods as ways to promote an increased metabolism, a healthy calorie deficit is the most effective way to lose weight, and you should see a qualified, trusted professional for more advice tailored to you personally and your body type.


Please note, whilst we recommend these foods as part of a healthy lifestyle, if you are allergic to any of these foods, please do not consume them just for their potential benefits, as it could cause you more harm than good. Please speak to a physician first if you have any concerns.



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